HemoRage Black Ultra Concentrated is Nutrex's entry into the concentrated preworkout market. How does this preworkout stack up to the current leader, Jack3d and the up and comer, Anadraulic State GT in potency, ingredients and profile?
HemoRage Black is an ultra-concentrated preworkout that is almost an exact clone of USP Labs Jack3d product. Jack3d is popular because of its price point and heavy stimulant content. Are there any significant differences between this and Jack3d and how does it compare to the newest up and coming preworkout, Anadraulic State GT? First off you need to decide if you want to have a strict preworkout or do you want to have cofactors that help boost testosterone. If you want a strict stimulant based preworkout, you are better off with Jack3d or HemoRage. If you want to help increase natural testosterone production, then Anadraulic State GT is better for you.
As a preworkout, the ingredients in HemoRage are almost the same as Jack3d. In fact they use a similar scoop size and even the same container. HemoRage is calling 1/3 of a scoop a serving, which isn't really accurate unless you are considering the stimulants alone. For example creatine needs to be dosed at 3-6g per day to have a good effect and this is about 3 scoops of Jack3d and 9 servings of HemoRage (each serving being 1/3 of a scoop) or 3 scoops. That means you really get only 15 servings in each one to get a full dose of creatine.
To be the champ you need to beat the champ and HemoRage doesn't really do that. It is an almost exact clone of Jack3d with all of the benefits and downsides covered. Like I mentioned above, they are both under dosed compared to Anadraulic State GT scoop per scoop and therefore more expensive. They both have some heavy stimulants, which make them probably more potent scoop for scoop than Anadraulic State GT. In fact the only real difference is one or two minor ingredients. Anadraulic State GT has a full 3g of creatine in every serving and at 2 doses is at the peak of where you want to be with a creatine preworkout supplement. With Anadraulic State GT you get a full 45 scoops at about the same price point with Jack3d and HemoRage.
Neither Jack3d nor HemoRage contain any amino acids other than Arginine, Beta Alanine and Creatine. Anadraulic State GT also contains Leucine, which builds muscle via the mTOR pathway. It also contains hydrolyzed amino acids, which have been shown recently to build over 33% more muscle per workout than a placebo pre-workout drink without these amino acids.
One major difference between Anadraulic State and the other two, is that Jack3d and HemoRage don't contain any carbohydrates. This is good for anyone on a low carb diet, but bad for someone looking to maximize mass and better utilize the creatine. Anadrauic State GT is a more complete formula and has both dextrose and waxy maize which will help load the creatine better into the muscles. Still, for those that don't want carbohydrates will like either Jack3d or HemoRage better.
Overall a preworkout is very important for anyone looking to get the most out of their time in the gym. No matter which you choose, make sure you are using a good preworkout with at least 3-6g of creatine per serving.
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